Today's feral smirk comes courtesy of B-movie ingenue and one-time Tromette Tiffany "Don't Call Me A Scream Queen!" Shepis, who was worth standing two hours in line for at the 2003 Chiller Convention. She's often been the best part of whatever low-budget celluloid atrocity she's appearing in (TROMEO AND JULIET and DELTA DELTA DIE are two personal faves). Now, in general I'm not one to mark out for celebs, get their autographs, pose for pix with 'em, etc. On the other hand, I discovered very quickly that when you stick a camera in Tiff's face, it's Happy Hour. Lady looooves to be photographed. In fact, at not one but two different points during the afternoon, the throng of amateur paparazzi around her autograph table got so large, she invited us out into the parking lot for impromptu photo sessions (as seen below). Three cheers for "fan friendly..."

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